

篇名 二蘇與章惇元祐交疏考
並列篇名 A Study Of The Interaction Between Su Brothers And Chang Tun In The Yuan-yo Era
作者 劉昭明(Liu, Chao-ming)
中文摘要 古代士人交遊之廣,首推蘇軾;蘇軾交遊,以章惇最特殊,訂交最早,變化最大,自宋以來廣受矚目。蘇軾出仕四十一年,與章惇恩怨糾葛四十年,可說與仕宦相終始。章惇大蘇軾一歲,年紀相近,兩人曾是好友,相期歸隱湖山。宋神宗元豐二年發生烏臺詩案,章惇力救蘇軾。元祐更化,中生嫌隙,由親近轉疏離。宋哲宗親政,改元紹聖,章惇獨相,先貶蘇軾廣東惠州,再貶海南昌化,密謀派人逼害,愛之欲其生,恨之欲其死。總計章惇於哲宗朝獨相六年五個月,蘇軾流落嶺海六年四個月,前後相終始。在元祐黨人中,蘇軾官職非最高,然獲罪最重,貶謫最遠,其間自有章惇之作用力,而二蘇與章惇元祐交疏更是箇中關鍵,影響深遠,罕為人知,值得深入探討。
英文摘要 Su Shih was famous of his friendship with men of letters. Among his friends, Chang Tun was the most special one. Chang was Su’s earliest friend. Their friendship won extensive attention. During Su’s 41 years official career, he had 40 years of love-hate relationship with Chang. Chang was one year older than Su and was very close to him. A case against Su occurred at he Yuan-fung era; Chang was the one who tried his best to save Su’s life. However, when their friendship became sour, Chang also was the one who tried his best to execute Su. When Chang was the prime minister at the emperor Che Chung Court, Su was banished from the court to the frontier Canton area for four and half years.Among the protégé, Su was not the most highest rank official, and yet he was given the most severest punishment. It was all because of Chang Tun.
頁次 001-030
關鍵詞 蘇軾 蘇轍 章惇 Su Shih Su Ch’e Chang Tun
卷期 45:1
日期 201104
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學