

篇名 以課程為核心之幼兒園行銷個案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study on Preschool Marketing Strategies with Curriculum as a Core
作者 葉致齊(Yeh,Chih-Chi ) 、周淑惠( Chou,Su-Hui)
中文摘要 本研究採用質性研究法,以觀察、訪談、文件檔案等方式探究一所私幼如何兼顧理念與營運進行以課程為核心之行銷,探討問題為個案私幼運用之行銷策略為何?研究發現其行銷策略可分為以產品、價格、通路、推廣、人員為旨的「外部行銷策略」,例如提供優質幼教專業課程、給予互惠關係之彈性折扣、積極規劃第二園等;「內部行銷策略」,例如支持教學民主、招入理念謀合家長等;以及「互動行銷策略」,例如力行全園全方位互動之夥伴關係。所有策略均共同烘托優質課程,而優質課程則讓行銷更為順暢。本研究建議對其他園所為:以課程為行銷核心,戮力發展以幼兒為念之優質課程;對個案園所為:對外分享園所課程、設立課程研發小組、持續修正行銷策略;對未來研究為:探討與比較園所教師和家長對課程與行銷之認知、比較不同課程模式或性質幼兒園之行銷策略。
英文摘要 The study aims to explore how a private preschool exercises its marketing with curriculum as a core considering both its educational ideals and the generation of revenue. This case study used qualitative methods, such as observation, interview, and documentation to investigate marketing strategies employed by the preschool. The results showed the marketing strategies included “external marketing strategies” such as providing high-quality curriculum, discount, etc., “internal marketing strategies” such as supporting teaching autonomy, finding suitable parents, etc., and “interactive marketing strategies” such as having a good interaction among people in preschool and parents, containing parents-teacher contact, parents-teacher communication, and parents-teacher cooperation. All these strategies mutually supported curriculums and curriculums paved the way for active and successful marketing. Finally, the research proposes recommendations based on the findings. For other preschools, the suggestion is to launch innovative curriculums as a goal. For this preschool, the suggestions are to establish curriculum research task force, to share excellent curriculums with others, and to revise marketing strategies according to the changing societal need. For future research, the suggestions are to compare the perceptions of marketing between preschool teachers and parents, and between different types of preschools.
頁次 155-188
關鍵詞 幼兒園行銷 行銷管理 幼兒園課程 preschool marketing marketing management preschool curriculum
卷期 111
日期 201311
刊名 教育資料與研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院