

篇名 同步聽讀概念圖式結構之英聽活化教學
並列篇名 Listening in Action with Conceptual Pictorial RWL Input
作者 莊琍玲(Chuang,Li-ling) 、王清怡(Wang,Ching-yi )
中文摘要 在缺乏與外國人互動的英語環境中,透過資訊媒體聽英語成了語言學習裡重要的一環。之前的研究指出,語言學習者其聽解力的提升有助於說讀冩語言能力的發展。為了增強學童在英語初學階段的聽解力,基於聽力理解乃屬於單向的過程,許多學童認為聽英語學習是件很困難的事。本研究提出運用同步聽讀輔以情境圖式結構教學來訓練其英語聽力,透過概念圖式故事結構聽力教學,聽者能浸潤於情境式英語學習環境,營造出雙向的互動。參與本研究的學生共分為兩班四十位六年級學童,兩班隨機分配為實驗組和對照組,分別接受同步聽讀輔以情境圖式結構教學或傳統英語聽力教學。研究對象接受為期二十週,每週一次四十分鐘的聽力教學。研究工具包括英語學習背景問卷、英語聽力與閱讀前測及後測、英語故事聽力與閱讀理解的立即後測;以及針對實驗組同步聽讀結合情境式圖畫結構教學的態度問卷。研究結果顯示,實驗組在聽讀故事的立即後測的聽力和閱讀能力後測的表現顯著優於對照組。除此之外,結果分析亦呈現學童在接受聽力教學後,其聽力理解與閱讀能力皆有顯著的正相關。根據研究結果,同步聽讀結合概念圖式故事結構的教學,能有效提升國小學童之英語聽解力,進而開展其整體語言能力的學習。
英文摘要 Listening is essential to second language acquisition, for learners listen to foreign language twice more than speaking and four times more than reading (Rivers, 1981). Within the EFL context of Taiwan where language learners generally lack genuine language input, listening is likely to become a vital source for foreign language learning. Various research has also indicated that listening benefits language learners on developing other language skills. Listening is thereby pivotal at the beginning stage of language learning (Rost, 1994; Wintz & Reeds, 1973). Given its importance, it merits attention regarding how to teach listening to young learners to maximize English language learning results. The present study investigates the effects of conceptual pictorial input of story grammar with Reading-While-Listening (RWL) on Taiwanese sixth graders’ listening comprehension. With the study lasting for 23 weeks, forty 6th graders of two homogenous classes in central Taiwan were recruited. The results revealed that RWL combined with conceptual pictorial input improves students’ listening comprehension, and moreover, fosters their reading development. In addition, with the subjects reporting favorably on the reception of the intervention and positive feedback, the current study lends further support to the connection between listening comprehension and reading performance.
頁次 021-038
關鍵詞 聽力理解 同步聽讀 情境式圖畫結構教學 listening comprehension Reading-While-Listening (RWL) conceptual pictorial input
卷期 13:1
日期 201501
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學