

篇名 青少年同儕社會網絡和社會心理因素與身體活動之相關研究
並列篇名 Association of Social Networks, Psychosocial Factors and Physical Activity of Adolescents
作者 黃淑貞 、王敏華 、洪文綺 、吳齊殷
中文摘要 本研究目的在探討五專一、二年級學生之同儕社會網絡和社會心理因素與身體活動的相關情形。研究者以五專一至二年級學生為研究對象,利用結構式問卷收集資料,共得有效樣本232份,回收率為92.8%。結果發現:全體研究樣本的三日身體活動時間為213.8分鐘,花費較多時間從事的活動為走路,其次為籃球,男生身體活動時間和強度均高於女生。研究對象所處的網絡位置不同,從事身體活動時間有顯著差異。處在單一性別的小團體時,身體活動時間少於處在男女混合的團體或不屬於任何團體的學生,全部為女生的小團體成員之身體活動量最少。當樣本之運動友誼網絡運作越活躍,自覺運動利益與運動自我效能越高,自覺運動障礙越低者,身體活動時間越長。對青少年而言,同儕社會網絡對於身體活動的淨解釋變異量較社會心理因素為高。控制背景變項後,身體活動友誼網絡和身體活動時間顯著相關。
英文摘要 The main purpose of the study was to explore the relationship among background factors, peer social networks, psychosocial factors, and physical activity of the adolescents. The subjects were 232 first- and second-year junior colleges students in Taiwan with 92.8% response rate. The data were collected with a close-ended questionnaire. The main findings were as following: (1) The subjects spent 213.8 minutes on physical activity on average. Males were more physically active than females in terms of time and intensity. (2) The position that the adolescents were on the social networks could influence their physical activity. The participants in a small group composed of single gender engaged in less physical activity than those who were in mixed-gendered groups and non-group members. Those who were in an all-female small group had least amount of physical activity. The participants who were in an active physical activity social networks, perceived higher benefit, higher self-efficacy, and lower barrier with physical activity engaged in more physical activity. (3) physical activity-related peer social networks was the most significant variable of physical activity with other variables controlled. (4) The variance of adolescents' engaging in physical activity explained by physical activity-related social networks is greater than individual psychosocial variables.
頁次 033-054
關鍵詞 青少年 社會網絡 社會心理因素 身體活動 網絡性別組成 adolescent social networks psychosocial factor physical activity gender composition of social networks
卷期 34
日期 201012
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系