

篇名 金門林火才先生說唱作品的採訪與記錄
並列篇名 Collecting and Recording on “Traditional Entertainment Involving Talking and Singing” Presented by Lin Huo-Cai
作者 陳益源(Yi-Yuan Chen)
中文摘要 本人在推動「2009 閩南文化國際學術研討會」(2009 年10 月)等活動時,陸續發現了許多閩南文化研究的新文獻,亟需善加整理與研究,其中包括金門林火才先生1940年代在漳州傳承自歌仔戲大師邵江海(1913~1980)的閩南語說唱作品,於是在成功大學人文社會科學中心的專案補助之下,開展了一項名為「金門林火才說唱作品的採訪與記錄」的研究計畫。本文依序介紹「金門林火才說唱作品的採訪與記錄」計畫的背景與意義,方法與重點,初步研究與預期成果,並說明採訪與記錄的最新情況,準備加強跟相關學術單位通力合作,加速《金門林火才閩南說唱作品集》(附DVD)的整理出版,以及從邵江海到林火才的民間說唱藝術傳承的深入研究,以完整保留海峽兩岸民間文化交流這珍貴的一頁。
英文摘要 A good number of documentations regarding Min Nan cultures had been discovered while we promoting the International Conference of Taiwanese Culture in October 2009. However, they are yet to be better organized and understood. Among the new discoveries, there are a series of “talking and singing” work of performance, presented in Min Nan language by Lin Huo-Cai which he mastered from the master of Taiwanese “Ge Tzi” opera, Shao Jiang-hai of ZhangZhou in the 1940s. Therefore we initiated a project to reorganize and to further explore the particular literature under the assistance from the Research Center of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Cheng Kung University.
This article introduced our project started from background and objectives, gradually moved on to methods, significances, preliminary studies and expected results. Current progress on the data collecting and recording were also presented in this article. We hereby showing our preparation and determination to strengthen the co-operation with relevant academic institutions to accelerate the editing and publishing of" Traditional entertainment involving talking and singing” by Lin Huo-Cai (DVD included). By studying these pieces of arts by Shao to Lin, we hope to completely understand and protect the precious literatures of cultural exchanges beitween China and Taiwan.
頁次 071-086
關鍵詞 金門 林火才 閩南語 說唱作品 歌仔戲 邵江海 Kinmen Lin Huo-Cai Taiwanese Traditional entertainment involving talking and singing “Ge Tzi” opera Shao Jiang-hai
卷期 46:1
日期 201204
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學