

篇名 北航人体工程课主题一体化教学实践与研究
作者 陈艳 、陆颖 、盛春媛
中文摘要 通过对北航人体工程课主题一体化教学进行实验与研究。结果表明:体育健康知识的丰富和完善对大学生积极参加体育锻炼起着重要作用。尊重学生个体差异,强化课内外一体化教学对增强大学生身体素质和体重控制具有现实意义。为形成自学、自练树立终身体育的思想打下基础。
英文摘要 The human body works BUAA the integration of subject teaching classes to conduct experiments and research. The results showed that: Sport health knowledge to enrich and improve the University Students actively take part in physical exercise plays an important role. Respect for individual differences in students, and strengthen the integration of classroom teaching to enhance physical fitness and weight control college students with practical significance. For the formation of self-learning to establish the idea of lifelong PE laid.
頁次 062-063
關鍵詞 人体工程课 主题一体化教学 实践研究 Human engineering students Subject integration teaching Practice
卷期 384
日期 200905
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部