

篇名 從「覺民行道」論王艮思想的定位
並列篇名 Assertion on Orientation of Wang Gen’s Thought from “Enlighten People Enforcing Justice”
作者 王琅(Lang Wang)
中文摘要 在明代朝綱大壞、國君失格的險惡政治環境下,使得知識份子在出處之間,面臨最大的考驗。王陽明經歷廷杖的屈辱後,在龍場驛悟道的過程,即是從「得君行道」轉向「覺民行道」的重大改變,他藉著講學推動「致良知」之教,即是「覺民行道」構想的落實。王艮所傳的泰州學派繼陽明之後實踐此一理想,其講學活動可視為平民教育的推廣,其目的在於「講學以覺民」 ,以「百姓日用之道」揭示聖人之道之簡便易從,以「樂學歌」之「樂是學,學是樂」讓平凡百姓樂於向學,其所揭示的易簡之學,有其積極的社會效應,激勵了許多身處社會下層的民眾立定力爭上游的志向,泰州學派所帶動的社會教化功能是值得肯定的。
英文摘要 Ming Dynasty court discipline corrupted, knowledge individuals faced severe challenges under such dangerous political condition. However, the official flogging humiliation at Longchiang station make Wang Yangming realize the Tao that “Entrusted to fulfill the goal by Emperor” has to switch into “Enlighten People Enforcing Justice”. Wang Yangming drive the
enlightenment for “Acquiring the Conscience” through lectures activities vigorously, which is exactly as the concept-realization of “Enlighten People Enforcing Justice”.    Wang Gen, a faithful follower after Yangming, established the Taizhou school of thought. The aim of all his
lectures is to inspire civilian people to learn for joy, and enjoy from learning. The way of the Sage can be proclaimed as easy as the “Daily Road of Civilian People”. “Enlighten People Enforcing Justice”    can bring not only the positive social effects, but also encourage more social lower levels who strive to get the best. Social enlightenment enhanced by Taizhou
school of thought is greatly affirmed.
頁次 023-050
關鍵詞 覺民行道 泰州學派 王艮 Enlighten People Enforcing Justice Taizhou school of thought Wang Gen
卷期 46:2
日期 201210
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學