

篇名 非洲喀麥隆 Kamerun的Ecole de Référence:一所位於Mbouo 的另類學校
並列篇名 The Ecole de Référence Alternative School in the Mbouo of Camerun
作者 Rainer Kokemohr 、蘇文音 、倪鳴香
中文摘要 本文描繪在非洲喀麥隆西部高地一所另類學校,以及一所教師培育機構的主要發展歷程。這一切是從1986年的田野研究開始,那時候並沒有創立學校與師培機構的想法。直到1990年代初期,面對喀麥隆的社會政治變遷,創辦另類學校的計畫才浮現。這個計畫是按部就班的發展,其最終成果受限於它並非只是一個基於固定藍圖的某種形式應用。由於沒有既定的教育行動計畫藍圖,所以賦予了必要的彈性以解決無止境的問題。本文首先概述該社會中教育系統與教育角色的文化政治處境;第二部分則介紹計畫主其事者個人的背景狀況。同時本文也重構了計畫發展的主要步驟,描述學校與師培機構教育活動的一般指導原則。由於此一計畫在不熟悉的脈絡中很難存續,所以伴隨進行研究以支持未來的發展。本文完稿於2005年,後來又增加一段從2005年至今的說明,包括這期間發生的危機及該計畫存廢與否的嚴重衝突。但要感謝當地若干關鍵性人物的政治與文化實踐智慧,從2010年7月起,該計畫順利的繼續向前發展。這所原先在喀麥隆鄉間的小型小學,最後竟發展成為有六個學院的大學。
英文摘要 This article describes the main steps of the development of an alternative school and a teacher training facility in the western highlands of Camerun, Africa. It started in 1986 with some field research, but at that time there was no intention of creating the school and the institute. Only with the political transformation of the Cameroonian society in the early 1990s has the plan of creating an alternative school emerged. The project was developed step by step; there is no doubt that the final success was contributed by the fact that there was no static plan to be realized by any kind of application. It was the lack of such a plan that provides the necessary flexibility to cope with the never ceasing problems. At the beginning of this article, the cultural and political situation of the educational system and its pedagogical role within the society are outlined. In the second part, the individual backgrounds and conditions of the main project-authors are introduced. Then, the main steps of the project’s development are reconstructed. Instead of presenting a model that had been copied, the general didactic principles of the pedagogical activities at the school and the teacher training facility are described. Since such a project cannot survive in a somewhat unfamiliar context, accompanying research has been established in order to support further development. This article, written in 2005, ends with the vision of the new institute. – An additional (chapter VII, written in 2010)text describes what has happened since the research and till today. A severe conflict had endangered the existence of the project, but thanks to the political and cultural prudence and intelligence of some of the local authorities, it happened that since July 2010, the project was able to continue on a higher level. What began as a small primary school has finally led to the foundation of a complete university with six faculties in the Cameroonian countryside.
頁次 001-022
關鍵詞 另類學校 喀麥隆 alternative school Camerun
卷期 1
日期 201103
刊名 另類教育
出版單位 台灣另類教育學會