

篇名 Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on EST Reading Comprehension
並列篇名 後設認知策略教學對科技英文之閱讀理解成效
作者 廖明珠(Liao, Ming-chu) 、蔣筱珍(Chiang, Hsiao-chen)
中文摘要 隨著專業英文(ESP)的各分支的研究蓬勃發展,科技英文(EST)儼然成為全台灣的大學工學院學生的熱門課程。本實證研究旨在探討後設認知策略教學對學生閱讀理解科技英文文章的成效。根據閱讀能力測驗結果,實驗組接受含後設認知策略訓練的閱讀教學,而控制組則接受無任何策略訓練的一般閱讀教學。研究結果指出後設認知策略訓練對增進學生科技英文的閱讀理解能力有顯著成效。隨後的開放式問卷結果顯示學生對此一訓練或全文抱持正面看法。此外,學生亦表達對三種後設認知策略實用程度的不同看法。最後,本研究結果將提供對教學上的啟示與對未來研究的建議
英文摘要 With the burgeoning attention committed to research on the various branches of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Science and Technology (EST) courses have become popular for engineering students in universities all over Taiwan. This empirical study aims to examine the effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on EST reading comprehension. Based upon the results of a reading proficiency test, the experimental group received reading instruction with metacognitive strategy training, while the control group received standard reading instruction without any intervention. The results indicated that metacognitive strategy instruction was significantly more effective in facilitating learners’EST reading comprehension than standard reading instruction. Subsequent open-ended questionnaire administered to the experimental group showed positive perceptions of the training effectiveness. The responses revealed divergent perspectives with respect to the three metacognitive strategies. Finally, the pedagogical implications of the results and suggestions for further research will be provided.
頁次 201-215
關鍵詞 metacognitive strategy instruction ESP EST reading comprehension 後設認知策略教學 專業英文 科技英文 閱讀理解
卷期 2
日期 200801
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學