

篇名 Children’s Literature: Course Design and Teaching Reflections
並列篇名 兒童文學:課程設計與省思
作者 王清煌(Wang, Ching-huang)
中文摘要 國立虎尾科技大學應外系每學年的第一學期開一門「兒童文學」課給應用外語系二年級的學生選修,為了使該選修課富有意義,我在課程中融入創意思考及讀書療法的概念。本文涵蓋兩個部份:(一)我的教學心得;(二)兒童文學課程大綱的範例。資料來源包括我的教學日誌、課程問卷調查、學生的學習心得報告及課程教學大綱。基本上,透過文本討論和各種課程活動,我與學生有很好的互動,例如「兒童繪本書展」(Invitation Activity)活動和英語布袋戲DVD光碟製作比賽。.在教學方面,本文可使有興趣的教師重新省思兒童文學課程或其相關課程的重要性所在
英文摘要 In an attempt to make a Children’s Literature course meaningful, I integrated the concepts of critical literacy and bibliotherapy into this elective course offered to a class of Applied-Foreign-Languages-major sophomores at National Formosa University in Taiwan every fall semester. This paper describes two features: (1) my own teaching reflections on the course and (2) a sample course syllabus for Children’s Literature. Data sources mainly included my teaching journals, evaluation questionnaires, the students’ reflection papers, and the course syllabus. Mostly, I interacted well with my students through the text discussion and various course activities such as an Invitation Activity and English Puppet Show DVD Creating. Pedagogically speaking, this paper may entice interested teachers to rethink what matters in their Children’s Literature classroom or relevant courses.
頁次 027-043
關鍵詞 Children’s Literature course design teaching reflection 兒童文學 課程設計 教學省思
卷期 3
日期 200807
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學