

篇名 扣问教育公平——从学区房现象谈起
並列篇名 The Educational Equity Meets The School District Housing: How-do-you-do
作者 黄道主 、许锋华
中文摘要 在城市内部出现的“学区房现象”是优质义务教育资源稀缺与人们旺盛的教育需求不能得到满足的矛盾引发的择校新表现。本文试图通过分析该现象的表现和形成原因,探讨如何从学校硬件标准化建设、师资流动、信息沟通和办学途径等方面实现城市内部义务教育均衡发展,遏制教育不公平现象。
英文摘要 Currently, there appeared lots of “school district housing” in the inner city, which is the result of the contravention between the scarcity of quality educational resources and people's keen demand on education. This article attempts to analyze the reasons and manners of this phenomenon, to reveal how to realize the balanced development of compulsory education in cities, in terms of hardware standardization, teacher mobility, information communication and exploration of ways to run a school, so as to curb the educational injustice.
頁次 007-010
關鍵詞 学区房 义务教育 均衡发展 教育公平 the school district housing compulsory education balanced development educational equity
卷期 7:11
日期 201011
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學