

篇名 是人?是兽?--论《13骇人游戏》中的人性
作者 杨玉娟
中文摘要 本文通过描述小说《13骇人游戏》的故事情节,分析男主人公阿奇在经历13个游戏时,人性由善变恶,由恶变善,最终回归真实自我的过程,探讨了人性在面对诸多因素和环境变化时,会产生的种种异变。令读者对人性的善恶开启更新更深的思考。
英文摘要 The thesis attempts to depict the story of《The 13th Quiz Show》in which the hero, who experienced a series of horrible and unexpected games, gradually turned to be a devil and finally found himself in heart. By illustrating the game process, it mainly discusses that human nature always keeps changing on different conditions and is easily affected by various factors, and evokes people to have a newer and deeper thinking about human nature.
頁次 059-061
關鍵詞 人性 变化 Human nature Change Good Evil
卷期 384
日期 200905
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部