

篇名 世界金融危机背景下的现代教育省思
並列篇名 Reflection on Modern Education under the Background of Financial Crisis in the World Currently
作者 陈文殿
中文摘要 世界金融危机的接踵而至,人们在反省现代经济发展模式的同时,还应反省现代教育的理念与模式。现代教育即是现代经济的产物,又是现代化进程的重要构成部分,因而,现代教育基本上依附于现代经济发展的需要。[传统性]现代教育存在的问题集中表现为教育理念的滞后与专业设置的陈旧及不足,表现出来的突出现象就是[文凭危机]以及[就业危机]。随着现代文明的发展,经济与教育的关系发生了重大变化,主要表现为教育的基础性、前瞻性与引领性功能不断增强。因此,现代教育皇修正传统的依附型教育理念,树立引领性、基础性、开放性的教育理念,通过经济与教育的互动互领,培育经济与教育的互养关系。现代教育在专业规划与设置上应具有丰富多样的层次,开拓更具[中间性]的学科专业,实现人尽其才、有所作为的以人为本的科学发展,在更高的层次上推进现代化与现代文明的进步。
英文摘要 Along with the frequent outbreaks and quick spread of financial crisis in the world, more reflections showed on the modern model of economic development, simultaneously, we ought to reflect the thought and mode of modern education. Modern education is not only the geared to the modern economy, also is an important part of the process in modernization, so, modern education must be basically geared to the developing requirement in modern economy. The issue show intensively in the traditional modern education is lagging behind of the thought of modern education, out-of-data and not enough of the specialty setup. The outstanding appearance is crisis in the diploma or employment. Along with the development of modern civilization, the relation of economy and education has primaryed significant change. The primary expression is that the function of education is growing power of essential, perceptiveness and guiding. For this reason, the traditional analysis thought education would be amended in modern education, and to breed the thought education with guiding basic openness spiritual. Then, through the relationship of interactive and various types of levels of specialty layout and setup, and to open up the intermediateness disciplines and specialties in modern education, so as to realize scientific development of putting the people to the best use, making a difference with the people oriented, and propel the progress of modernization and modern civilization in higher-level.
頁次 20-22
關鍵詞 现代文明 现代教育 教育的理念与层次 人尽其才 以人为本 Modern civilization Modern education The thought and level of education The people oriented
卷期 366
日期 200811
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部