

篇名 公平还是质量:教育政策的两难及其抉择──“公平与质量:政策视野下的教育变革”国际学术研讨会述评
並列篇名 Equity or Quality:the Dilemma and Choice in Educational Policy:Review on "Equity and Quality:Education Reform under the Perspective of Policy"
作者 黄婉莉
中文摘要 本次会议围绕教育公平与质量、教育政策、教育改革等议题,在教育公平的理论探讨、教育公平与质量的实践反思、教育公平政策的地区经验等方面进行了深入的交流与探讨。与会者在教育公平的理解、教育公平与质量的关系、教育政策的公平性等问题上,达成了一定的共识;但因不同地区的经济、文化、社会条件的差异,在中东西部地区的义务教育均衡发展路径、异地高考政策的具体推行等问题上尚存在一定分歧,这也为相关领域的进一步研究提供了方向。会议还交流了各国各地在教育政策、教育公平方面的做法和经验。
英文摘要 The conference focused on the themes "Educational equity and quality","Education policy"and "Education reform".The experts and scholars discussed profoundly about three issues:theory of educational equity;practice and introspection in equity and quality of education;regional differences in equity and quality of education. They reached an agreement on questions such as the definition of educational equity,the relationship between equity and quality,the equity of educational policy. However,differences existed on the issues like how to implement a balanced development of education in different areas in China because of the different economical,cultural and social conditions,which also indicated direction for further study. The experiences about equitable educational policy in different countries and areas also got shared in this conference.
頁次 104-110
關鍵詞 教育公平 教育质量 教育变革 义务教育均衡发展 educational equity educational quality educational reform balanced development of education
卷期 10:2
日期 201304
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學