

篇名 從習慣領域看企業家 – 以戴勝益為例
並列篇名 From Habitual Domains to Know Tai Shengyi, a Well-Known Entrepreneur
作者 范振基(Fan, Chen-chi) 、陳雅貞(Chen, Ya-chen) 、蔡敏慧(Tsai, Min-hui)
中文摘要 台灣第一大餐飲集團王品集團董事長 - 戴勝益,曾獲選中華民國第二十一屆創業楷模。 1953年出生於台中清水,是全球第二大帽廠「三勝製帽」家族中唯一的台大生,生平第1個職務是副總。但在父兄背後,他看不到希望,決定離家創業,歷經失敗9次,最後於1993 年創立王品,第十次終於成功,今年營業額預估90億。戴勝益師法孔子,用半部論語來創立王品集團,用「以人為本,從心出發,創造感動」的企業核心經營事業。在生活上實踐模仿人生的快樂,他說 :「仿冒其他企業或品牌會被告,仿冒別人的人生,不會有人告你」,他模仿的對象是許文龍先生。下定決心離開家族企業,因為看到詩人洛夫的一句話 :「如果你迷戀厚實的屋頂,就會失去浩瀚的星空。」。他接連多次失敗,負債上億,卻未被擊倒,他說: 「我感謝那些失敗。只有早早失敗過的人,才懂得如何成功。」。他這些光明正面的習慣領域是如何運用在他的企業及人生哲學上,他是如何擴展自己的習慣領域。希望本研究專題,透過習慣領域的七個光明信念、八個擴展習慣領域的方法,以及九個深智慧原理邁向理想習慣領域的三大工具箱,來解析戴勝益的生命歷程,進而啟發與學習擴展我們的習慣領域。
英文摘要 This study uses Habitual Domain concepts to examine the success of Mr. Sheng Yi Tai, who is chairman of Wowprime Corporation, Taiwan’s biggest dining chain. He was born in Cingshuei, Taichung County in 1953. His family owned Atlanta Cap Manufacturing Inc. which was the second largest hat manufacturer in the world. It was in this company that he got his first job as Vice-President; however he saw little opportunity for personal growth within the confines of the family business making the fateful decision to set up his own business. A decision which was in part influenced by his reading of line from the Poet Luo Fu which says “If you’re obsessed with a thick roof you may fail to see the vastness of the sky ” Despite many obstacles and nine business failures he at last prospered after founding Wowprime in 1993.Mr. Tai is placed Confucian principles at the heart of Wowprime. And he follows the practice of learning from great men by modeling himself on his idol “Mr. Wen Lung Hsu” founder of CHI MEI Corporation. He once said “To plagiarize other companies or products you will get lawsuit but to imitate other people’s life and follow their steps there is no one can sue you.” He also draws positive inspiration from his failures and the associated financial loses saying “I would like to thank those who fail, only through early failure can we learn to be successful”In this study we try to analyze Mr. Tai’s life journey through Habitual Domain concept’s three major tools --Seven Empowering Operators, Eight Basic Methods for Expanding Habitual Domain and Nine Principles for Deep Knowledge. In order to understand how he has applied a positive life philosophy into his business management, furthermore to be inspired and to learn the techniques to expand our own habitual domains.
頁次 101-112
關鍵詞 習慣領域 戴勝益 王品集團 孔子 許文龍 洛夫 Habitual Domain Sheng Yi Tai Wowprime Corporation Confucius Wen Lung Hsu
卷期 3:2
日期 201206
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會