

篇名 台灣原住民族月亮神話試探
並列篇名 Taiwanese Aborigines’ Mythology of Moon
作者 陳麗娜(Lina Chen)
中文摘要 台灣原住民的月亮起源神話分爲兩類,一爲日變型,一爲人變型。在日變型中,有些族群神話中的月亮被賦予人格化,位居主導地位成了祭儀的指導者;族人對月亮具有神聖性的觀念,不僅依其時序從事農作,更遵奉相關祭儀與禁忌,深切影響族人日常生活與社會行為,也反映原住民古樸的思維方式。月亮由人所變成的類別,相較於中國其他少數民族,其神話型態則較爲素樸;且流傳此類神話的族群,彼此的關係相當密切。
英文摘要 There are two types of origins about Taiwanese aborigines’ mythology of moon. In the sun- transformed type, the moon is not only personalized, but also respected as the director of some rituals and ceremonies. Accordingly, these aborigines’ daily lives and social behavior are deeply impacted by the moon. For example, there are specific times of farming according to the cycle of the moon. As for the human- transformed type, their contents of mythology are simpler. Those tribes of aborigines that share the same type of mythology have more similarities among each other than those that don’t share the same type.
頁次 041-052
關鍵詞 台灣原住民 月亮 神話 Taiwan autochthon moon myth
卷期 46:1
日期 201204
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學