

篇名 我国少数民族心理研究的文献计量分析2000~2005
並列篇名 Quantitative Analysis on Literature of Domestic Study on Minorities’Psychology from 2000 to 2005
作者 万明钢 、赵国军 、杨俊龙
中文摘要 对2000~2005年发表在国内期刊关于民族心理研究的182篇论文进行文献计量分析。少数民族心理研究论文总体数量较少,以心理学9种期刊为例,不到6年发文总量的1%;研究领域广泛,研究对象几乎包括了所有少数民族;关注群体主要集中于中学生和大学生,研究方法以测量为多,研究思路以少数民族与汉族比较为主,民族、年级和性别成为考察差异的三个纬度。存在的主要问题是:研究方法单一,模仿国外研究和运用国外量表的研究较多,具有创新性的研究较少,对理论问题关注不足;研究人员主要分布在西北和西南地区,6年中发文量在3篇以上的作者不足10人,没有形成稳定的研究群体。
英文摘要 The author made quantitative analysis on 182 papers of study on minorities’ psychology which were published in domestic Chinese journals from 2000 to 2005. Total of papers of study on minorities’ psychology was less. Take 9 psychological journals as example, the number was less than 1% of the total during 6 years; study field was broad, and object of study nearly included all minorities; attentive group mainly focused on middle school students and undergraduate students; study method was mainly focused on survey; study train of thought was mainly on contrast between minority and the Han nationality; and nationality, grade, and gender were three latitudes of reviewing contrast. Main problems were:method of study was single, research of imitating external study and using external scale was more, study with innovation was less, and attention of theoretical problem was lack; study staff mainly distributed in northwest and southwest, authors with 3 papers in publication were less than 10 during 6 years, and there was no steady study group.
頁次 185-191
關鍵詞 中国 少数民族心理 文献计量 2000~2005年 China minorities’ psychology quantitative method on literature year from 2000 to 2005
卷期 15:1
日期 200701
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所