

篇名 试论职前职后教师知识的断裂与衔接
並列篇名 Discussion on Breakage and Connection about Pre-service and In-service Teacher Knowledge
作者 罗超
中文摘要 教师的发展离不开教师知识的更新。比较职前职后的教师教育,发现教师的职后知识更新与职前的学习并不同一,两者存在“断裂”现象。传统思想对教师知识的不正确理解,恒定教师职业动力的缺乏,各级各类学校资源有效沟通的缺少,以及教师培养和课程结构对对象的漠视都促使这种断裂的形成,阻碍了教师对知识的系统掌握。在倡导基于一体化教师教育的前提下,有针对性地衔接职前职后教师知识断裂,有其积极意义。
英文摘要 Teacher's development is inseparable from the knowledge of updates. Comparing the pre-service and in-service teacher education, discovers that the updating of in-service teacher knowledge is not the same as pre-service learning and “breakage” phenomenon appears. Traditional ideas to the teacher knowledge not a correct understanding, the lack of Stability that the teaching profession motivation, resources of all schools at various levels lack effective communication, and the teacher training and the curriculum structure neglect of training object which contributed to such a break, hindered the master teachers knowledge of systemic. Advocate of on based the integration of teacher education, targeted to link up the breakage of teacher knowledge of pre-service and in-service, it has positive significance.
頁次 032-047
關鍵詞 the integration of teacher education break teacher knowledge 一体化教师教育 断裂 教师知识
卷期 7:12
日期 201012
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學