

篇名 中美教师对《项链》的课程取向分析
並列篇名 The Analysis of Teachers' Curriculum Orientations about “The Necklace” Teaching Case between China and U.S
作者 惠婧
中文摘要 选取中美教师对《项链》一文的代表性案例,从课程取向角度和价值澄清角度认识具体课程设计与实施,透视两国教师对具体课程的价值取向,分析个中差异,得到关于我国当下课程实施的一些启示,以求进一步认识、优化我国课程实施。
英文摘要 Selecting two representations of “necklace” cases in U.S and China, from the point of curriculum orientations and value clarification to understand the specific instructional design and teaching process, we are able to analyze teachers' curriculum orientations so that it can give us some ideas about our current implementation of Chinese curriculum, in order to be more conductive to understand and optimize our curriculum implementation.
頁次 22-26
關鍵詞 U.S China curriculum orientation “The Necklace” teacher 美国 中国 课程取向 《项链》 教师
卷期 7:12
日期 201012
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學