

篇名 高校教学质量监控体系的构建与完善
作者 庄丽娜 、孟凡一 、孟长伊
中文摘要 本文以长春理工大学建立健全教学质量监控体系为切入点,阐明了高校教学质量监控体系是对学校的培养目标、教学计划、教师、学生、教学设施进行评价与调控的系统。高校在健全教学质量监控体系时必须加强教学质量监控队伍建设、教学质量标准建设和教学监控制度建设,在实践中必须强调教学过程的优化管理,把影响教学质量的诸多软指标纳入到教学质量监控的范畴,使教学质量监控与评估工作制度化、规范化、正常化。
英文摘要 This article take Changchun University of Science and Technology as a breakthrough point to establish and perfect the quality of teaching monitoring system. And expounded the university quality of teaching monitoring system is a appraisal and regulative system to the school raise goal, the plan of instruction, the teacher, the student and the teaching facility carries on the appraisal. And when the University perfect the quality of teaching monitoring system, must strengthen the quality of teaching monitoring troop, the quality of teaching standard construction and the teaching monitoring system construction. In reality, the university must emphasize the optimized management in the teaching process. and integrate the many soft targets of influence the quality of teaching to the category of quality of teaching monitoring. To make the quality of teaching monitoring and the appraisal work institution, the standardization and the normalization.
頁次 54-55
關鍵詞 高等学校 监控体系 教学质量 College Monitoring system Quality of teaching
卷期 375
日期 200902
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部