

篇名 Learning Strategy Use: When Learners Encounter Listening Tasks of Different Levels
並列篇名 當學習者面對不同程度習題時學習策略的運用
作者 蔡佳蓉(Tsai, Chia-jung) 、黃聖慧(Huang, Sheng-hui Cindy)
中文摘要 語言學習策略的研究往往著重於解釋在相同程度的習題中研究所發現的現象。因此,習題的難易度是否影響學習者的學習策略運用不得而知。此個案研究目的在調查當第二外語學習者面對不同程度的習題時,其學習策略的運用是否隨之改變。此研究意圖透過“有聲思考記錄(Think-aloud Protocol)”及後續的訪問方式揭露中級程度英文學習者在面對初級、中級及中高級習題時,其學習策略的運用。研究結果顯示,學習者根據習題程度的不同調整其學習策略的使用行為。此研究也發現,學習者學習策略的調整是有系統且程序化的。
英文摘要 Studies in the learning strategy field have been frequently centered on explaining phenomena revealed from tasks at uni-level. Whether learners’ strategy use is affected by levels of the tasks themselves consequently remains unknown. This case study aims at investigating EFL students’ learning strategy use when they face listening tasks of different levels. With the use of think-aloud protocols and follow-up interviews, the researchers intended to uncover an intermediate English learner’s strategy use while she encountered listening tasks of elementary, intermediate and higher-intermediate levels. The results showed that the participant adjusted her strategy use in accordance with the tasks of different levels. Furthermore, the adjustment of strategy use was found to be systematic and procedural.
頁次 117-129
關鍵詞 learning strategy listening strategy listening behavior 學習策略 聽力策略 聽力行為 *
卷期 3
日期 200807
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學