

篇名 通像博士的路徑:在精英選拔與規模擴張之間
並列篇名 The Road to Doctorate: Between Elite Selection and Scale Expansion
作者 芭芭拉˙科姆
中文摘要 隨著知識社會的出現,博士培養越來越成為制度管理、國家和超國家政策的關注對象。結構化的博士培養被提上歐洲高等教育改革議程,並得到了各個層面的政策支持。本文揭示了這一趨勢下博士生規模擴張與精英選拔之間的矛盾,並探討了通過博士培養模式多樣化解決這一矛盾的可能性及其後果。
英文摘要 With the emerging of the knowledge society, greater attention has been given to doctoral education by institutional administrations as well as by national and super-national policy makers. Meanwhile, a structured doctoral education has been already placed on the agenda of higher education reform in Europe and received policy support from all levels. This paper reveals the contradiction between the expansion scale of doctoral students and the goal of elite selection in higher education institutions, and discusses the possibility of solving this contradiction through diversification of doctoral study and research training model and its possible consequences.
頁次 2-11
關鍵詞 博士培養 專業博士 博士類型 CSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200904
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學