

篇名 欧洲中世纪大学在近代民族国家形成中所起的作用
並列篇名 The Effect of Medieval Universities of Europe on the Formation of Modern Nation ─ State
作者 孙益
中文摘要 近代”民族国家(nation─state)”一词中”民族(nation)”观念的形成,与欧洲中世纪大学中独特的组织结构”民族团”的出现有着密切的联系。中世纪大学在”nation”观念由古代向近代转变的过程中起到了关键性的作用,随着”民族团”组织在中世纪大学中的普及和发展,”nation”一词的内涵也逐渐丰富和深化,从一个有着贬损含义的外来人的群体转变成为一个有着共同语言、共同观念、共同文化、共同目标和共同利益的团体。这样的组织结构不但影响到了中世纪的基督教会,也在整个欧洲产生了政治上的影响力,既加速了中世纪大学国家化的进程,同时也促进了民族意识和民族情感的觉醒,为近代民族国家的崛起奠定了心理和文化基础。
英文摘要 The formation of the idea of “nation” in the compound of “nation─state” is closely related with the emergence of the unique organization of “nations” in European universities in Middle Ages. The medieval universities have a pivotal effect on the formation of the idea of “nation” from the ancient to the modern times. Along with the popularization and development of organization of “nations” in the medieval universities, the meaning of “nation ” gradually became rich and deep, changed from a derogatory foreign group to a community that has common language, notion, culture, purpose and interest. This kind of organization had effect on not only the Christian church in Middle Ages, but also the European political circles;and not only accelerated the nationalized process of medieval universities, but also hastened the awakening of the consciousness and feeling of the nation;and laid the cultural and psychological foundation for the rising of nation─state.
頁次 26-32
關鍵詞 nation─state universities medieval Europe 外国教育史 nations educational history of foreign countries 欧洲中世纪 大学 民族国家 民族团 CSSCI
卷期 4:2
日期 200804
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學