

篇名 再论院校研究的过程
並列篇名 The Process of Institutional Research:A Reconsideration
作者 侯志军
中文摘要 院校研究的重要特征是过程性,院校研究的意义在于过程之中,过程在院校研究中居于关键地位。院校研究过程的特殊之处在于,院校研究的过程与问题的质疑与发现、分析与判断、反思与解决的过程是同一个过程,而这样一个过程正是院校自我改进、自我发展、自我创造的过程。院校研究的过程是随着院校发展实践不断创造的过程,是求真、尽善、立美过程的统一。
英文摘要 Process is an important dimension in institutional research. The very process of conducting research gives meaning to, and therefore lies at the heart of institutional research. The process of institutional research is unique from other types of research because it is a simultaneous process of questioning and discovery, of analysis and judgment, and of reflection and problems institutional solving, and it is also a process for the institution to improve, develop and create itself. Therefore, the process of institutional research is a course of continuous creation through development practice, and it is an integration of pursuing truth, goodness and beauty.
頁次 34-38
關鍵詞 院校研究 process institutional research 过程 CSSCI
卷期 28:5
日期 200710
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學