

篇名 體制機制創新推進教育跨越發展──改革開放30年的教育體制改革
並列篇名 Innovation of the Education System Advancing Leap-forward of Education Development: Reform of the Education System During the 30 years of Reform and Opening-up in China
作者 范文曜 、王烽
中文摘要 本文简要回顾了改革开放以来我国教育体制改革的历程,分析了经济、政治体制改革和社会转轨对教育体制变革的巨大推动作用,总结了30年来教育管理体制、办学体制和经费体制改革取得的六个方面的历史性成就,提出了若干重要的基本经验和发展方向。
英文摘要 This paper briefly reviews the process of the reform of the education system since reform and opening-up and analyzes the great promotion on the innovation of education system made by economic and political restructuring and social transition. In the paper, six aspects of historical achievements around the systems of management, school-running and education finance during past 30years are summarized. Several important basic experiences as well as some suggestions are also put forward in the paper.
頁次 5-13
關鍵詞 basic experiences reform of the system educational development Reform and Opening-up 基本經驗 體制改革 教育發展 改革開放 CSSCI
卷期 6:6
日期 200811
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學