

篇名 学习让城市更美好:开放大学的使命与责任 ─ 在”2008世界开放与远程教育论坛”上的主题报告
並列篇名 Better Learning Better City:Mission and Responsibility of Open Universities
作者 张德明
中文摘要 “为了一切学习者,一切为了学习者”,这就是时代赋予开放大学的使命和责任,是开放大学生存的理由和发展的主题。我们认为,”为了一切学习者”就是说,开放大学的教育服务应该面向社会全体成员,对所有学习者一视同仁,为他们提供同样优质的教育服务。”一切为了学习者”就是说,开放大学应该以全面发展为主线,调动学校一切力量和资源,努力营造”人人成才”的育人环境。开放大学只有置身于无比广阔的社会”海洋”中,想人们所想,急人们所急,以积极主动的姿态服务于广大学习者,其教育的开放性和崇高性才能得到充分体现;只有以社会的发展和人的全面发展为航标来调整自己的航向,既着眼于现在又放眼于未来,开放大学才能与人民同呼吸、共命运,并获得强大的生命力和发展动力。
英文摘要 Graduated with a BA Degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Fudan University in 1976, Professor Zhang Deming is UNESCO Chair holder in Distance Education for East Asia, Director of Shanghai Distance Education Group, President of Shanghai TV University and also the head of Shanghai Education TV Station. He is also Council Member of Chinese Reportage Association, Executive deputy ─ President of Chinese Educational Television Association, and Council Member of Shanghai Journalist Association.As the UNESCO chair holder in Distance Education for East Asia, he endeavors to promote international academic exchange and cooperation Prof. Zhang has published many articles and works, and recently published series of which edited by Professor Zhang is the first series of the selected works and papers in ODL in China.
頁次 62-64
卷期 14:6
日期 200812
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學