

篇名 工作场所的学习和绩效:技术的影响与变革 ─访著名绩效咨询专家艾莉森.罗 塞特博士
並列篇名 Workplace Learning and Performance:Technology’s Influence and Change ─ The Interview with Dr. Allison Rossett
作者 梁林梅
中文摘要 通过对美国教育技术领域的研究与追踪,近年来我们逐歩了解和认识到,除了学校教育教学领域的研究和实践之外,美国还有近一半的专业人员工作在商业、企业、军队和政府部门的领域,他们的共同目标是致力于改进工作场所的学习和绩效(特别是技术支持的学习与绩效改进)。由此,美国许多大学的教育技术学专业的教授便扮演着至少是双重的角色:学术领域的教授和工作场所的学习与绩效咨询专家,本文所访谈的对象艾莉森.罗塞特(Allison Rossett)博士即是其中的典型代表与佼佼者。她长期从事着工作场所学习和绩效的研究与实践,从早期的工作辅助(job aid)、需求评估(needs assessment)到近期的电子学习、混合学习、绩效支持等,对美国教育技术领域的发展作出了独特的贡献。罗塞特博士是美国圣地亚哥大学(San Diego State University)教育技术系的资深教授,著名的绩效咨询专家。除了为美国的公司、企业、政府部门提供绩效咨询之外,罗塞特博士的影响还远至巴西、苏格兰和印度。罗塞特博士2000年入选《培训》杂志人力资源开发名人堂(hrd Hall of Fame),2004年至2006年期间任美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)国际部主仼,鉴于其在工作场培顺与绩效领域的杰出贡献,2002年获ASTD”贡献奖”,被评为美国”海运教育的培训学习策略联盟”杰出会员,还服务于美国陆军”远程学习和培训技术”分会。罗塞特博士的主要研究和咨询领域包括劳动力开发、需求评估、基于技术的学习与绩效支持、电子学习、混合学习等。主要学术著作包括《工作辅助与绩效支持:从教室中的知识到无处不在的知识》(2007),《ASDT电子学习手册:最佳实践、策略与案例》(2000),《超越讲台:在电子世界中传递培训和绩效》(2001,此书获国际绩效改进协会教学传播奖)《先做重要的事件:绩效分析手册》(1999,此书获国际绩效改进协会”教学传播奖”)《工作辅助手册》(1991),《培训需求评估》(1987)等。罗塞特博士的绩效咨询客户主要有微软、IBM、惠普、Fidelity投资公司、Deloitte咨询公司、苏格兰皇家银行及一些致力于电子学习的企业。
英文摘要 Dr. Allison Rossett, long time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is also a consultant in training and technology─based performance, and a member of the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame(2000), and was a member of the American Society for Training & Development(ASTD) International Board of Directors from 2004─2006. Recipient of ASTD’s 2002 award for her contributions to workplace learning and performance, Allison has focused her career on the professional development of people who call themselves instructional technologists, workplace learning professionals and trainers.Rossett teaches classes and consults on workforce development, needs assessment and new media learning and performance. Rossett’s most recent book is Job Aids and Performance Support:Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere(2007). She also authored The ASTD E─learning Handbook:Best Practices, Strategies and Case(2002), published by McGraw─Hill. She is the co─author of Beyond the Podium:Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World(2001), winner of the International Society for Performance Improvement(ISPI)Instructional Communications award. Rossett’s book, First Things Fast:A Handbook for Performance Analysis (1999), won the ISPI’s Instructional Communications award in 1999. Other books include:A Handbook of Job Aids. Pfeiffer Associates:San Diego, CA(1991), Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Educational Technology Publications(1987)etc. She has published articles on persistence in online learning, needs analysis, and performance support. Rossett’s clinet list includes Microsoft, IBM, HP, the Getty Conservation Institute, Fidelity Investments, Deloitte Consulting, BP, the IRD, TSA, Amgen, Royal Bank of Scotland, and several e─learning start─ups.Allision also serves on the Board for the e─learning Guildand Chief Learning Officer magazine. She was selected as a Distinguished Fellow of the Naval Education and Training Learning Strategies Consortium and now volunteers service on the Distance Learning and Training Technology Subcommittee for the US Army.
頁次 4-8
關鍵詞 performance support blended learning e─learning workplace learning and performance 绩效支持 混合学习 电子学习 工作场所 学习和绩效 CSSCI
卷期 14:5
日期 200810
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學