

篇名 中国教育学:从漂泊到寻根
並列篇名 Pedagogies in China:from ‘anchorless” to “looking for the root”
作者 程亮
中文摘要 世纪初的中国教育学在激进的”超越”意识下,正处在”漂泊”的状态之中。这种”漂泊”的状态突出地表现为”去学科感”、”去科学感”、”去历史感”、”去实践感”。要走出这种状态,就需要站在自主的立场上,秉承历史的意识,采取实验的态度,运用整合的思维,为中国教育学”寻根”。
英文摘要 In the beginning of 21st century, pedagogies in China have been involved in the anchorless situation under the impact of the idea of radical transcendence, which is characterized by the lack of disciplinary, scientific, historical, and practical perspectives. To step out of the situation, it is required to advance the pedagogical research with the standpoint of autonomy, the perspective of history, the spirit of experiment, and the way of comprehensive understanding to look for the root of pedagogies.
頁次 21-25
關鍵詞 development approach practical dilemmas pedagogies in China 发展路向 现实困境 中国教育学 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200806
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學