

篇名 批判教育研究在中国的境遇及其可能
並列篇名 The Plight and Possibility of Critical Educational Studies in China
作者 阎光才
中文摘要 批判教育研究作为英美教育学术界的新左派思潮,它的形成和发展有其特有的社会和文化背景,即它是作为主导晚期资本主义制度、文化和意识形态的对立面而出现的。也正因为其它批判对象的成熟和强大,它才更具有旺盛的批判活力。然而,因为存在社会制度、政治传统和现实背景等方面的差异,在一个曾经有过激进传统、而如今底线意义上的制度公平尚未解决的中国,学界谁引进批判教育研究话语时,它强烈的终极关怀和批判精神和立场固然可取,但它的知识和文化批判取向未必完全合乎中国当下社会语境。
英文摘要 As one kind of thought of new left in the British and American academic education field, the formation and development of critical educational studies has its special social and cultural background, that is, it emerges as the opposite of dominant capital system, culture and ideology. In fact, its prolific critical vigor just comes from the rival’s maturity and mightiness. However, because of the different social system, political tradition and social situation existing in China which had radical tradition and now is still struggling for its institutional justice at the level of base line, the knowledge and cultural criticism of critical educational studies cannot fully fit in the social context in contemporary China when it is introduced, although its ultimate concern and critical spirit is acceptable.
頁次 10-20
關鍵詞 relevance China ideology critical educational studies education sociology 适切性 中国 意识形态 批判教育研究 教育社会学 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200806
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學