

篇名 我国义务教育阶段城市与县乡家庭教育支出影响因素的对比分析
並列篇名 Study on Factors Affecting Household Educational Expenditure during Compulsory Education:A Comparison of Urban and Rural Areas
作者 楚红丽
中文摘要 家庭内外影响因素的变动在一定程度上导致了家庭教育支出总量及其结构的变动。家庭内部影响因素主要有:子女性别、单亲家庭结构、家庭总人口数、子女数、父母教育程度、家庭收入╱支出状况、家长对子女的期望、家家对子女成绩的满意度;外部因素主要有:教育阶段、所处地域(家庭所在地区)。比较城市和县乡村支出的影响因素,城市家庭”支出总额”不受子女性别、单视家庭结构、子女数等变量的影响,而县乡家庭庭大多受其影响;城市家庭”校外支出”不受子女性别、单视家庭、家庭总人口数、上半年支出的影响,而县乡家庭受其影响。这可能说明非城市家庭的人力资本投资受到更多内外环境的制约和约束。
英文摘要 Changes of internal and╱or external household factors to some extent lead to the variation of total amount of household educational expenditure as well as its structure. Internal factors include:gender, single─parent structure, number of family members, number of children, parents’ education, family income and expense, expectation on children, parent’s satisfaction on children school performance, etc;external factors mainly include level of grades, location╱regions. Comparison shows the total expenditure of urban families are less affected by gender, single parent structure, number of children than the rural families;the educational expenditure outside of school of urban families are less affected by gender, single parent structure, number of family members ,expenses of 1st half year, etc, than rural families. The results indicate the human capital investment of non─urban families is subject to more restraints and limitations by internal and external environment.
頁次 87-94
關鍵詞 factor outside─school expenditure inside─school expenditure total household educational expenditure compulsory education 影响因素 校外支出 校内支出 家庭教育支出总额 义务教育阶段 CSSCI
卷期 4:6
日期 200812
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學