

篇名 基础教育教学改革中的四种异化
並列篇名 On the Rights of School Discipline and Its Regulation
作者 陈云奔
中文摘要 教学异化是指教学脱离了教学的本意,成了实现教学应有功能的阻碍。在我国当下基础教育改革实践中存在着四种教学异化,即教学观念化、教学权威化、教学复杂化和教学幼稚化。教学改革指导理论的先天不足造成了这四种教学异化现象,并导致教师困惑于模糊的外在的教学观念之中,丧失了实际教学能力,而所谓的权威又误导了教学实践,并导致教学愈加复杂,教学要求越来低,给我国的基础教育造成了极大的危害。
英文摘要 Discipline is not only the intrinsic requirement and necessary part of education activities, but also the reliable guarantee of the students’ right of education. The right of student is not absolute. Discipline differs from corporal punishment or any other corporal punishment in disguised from. Moderate and reasonable discipline takes essential importance in keeping the order of teaching. The rights of discipline is empowered by the legislation with typical characteristic of public law, which is the concreteness of state’s right of education. Education legislation should first definite the nature and the status of law of the right of discipline as one of professional rights of teachers, then regulate the content and the procedure of administration of the right. Meanwhile, corresponding legal liabilities and effective relieves should be set up to achieve the public education goal without violating students’ right.
頁次 66-75
關鍵詞 corporal punishment regulation rights of discipline discipline 教学异化 教学改革 基础教育 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學