

篇名 專業認證:高等教育質量保障的重要方法
並列篇名 Professional Accreditation: An Approach to Quality Assurance in Higher Education
作者 董秀華
中文摘要 专业认证是一种在国际上行之多年、得到广泛采纳的保证和提高专业教育质量的手段,通过严格的高校专业认证可以确保各级专业人才的水准和质量。目前,我国高等教育发展面临诸多挑战:如实践应用型专业人才的培养,专业人才配置机制的市场化和国际化等。这些问题的交汇,进一步突显出作为专业人才培养的质量保障措施的专业认证制度的必要性。本文将首先对世界范围内高等教育专业认证制度的性质与作用予以阐述,进而对该制度再我国的初步实践和未来发展进行分析。
英文摘要 Professional accreditation which has been adopted internationally for more than one century is an important approach to quality assurance and performance improvement of higher education. It is particularly employed to assist the university graduates in securing satisfying requirements for professional positions. Currently, China is facing considerable challenges in developing its higher education, such as the cultivation of practical and applicable professionals, and market-oriented and internationalized disposition of professionals as well. All these challenges have required Chinese universities to introduce the professional accreditation into higher education quality assurance system. This essay explains the nature, development and function of professional accreditation in higher education worldwide at first, then analyzs its initial practices and future development in China.
頁次 33-38
關鍵詞 quality assurance higher education professional accreditation 高等教育 質量保障 專業認證 CSSCI
卷期 6:6
日期 200811
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學