

篇名 蔡元培1923年辞职原因新探
並列篇名 New Exploration and the Reason of Cai yuan ─ pei’s Resignation in 1923
作者 娄岙菲
中文摘要 1923年蔡元培的辞职是他与北大之间关系的转折点。这一事件不仅由此掀起了一股教育界”驱彭挽蔡”的风潮,也开启了此后数年他与北大教师学生就校长问题的”较量”。以往研究者更多关注于这一事件本身所蕴含的蔡元培敢于反抗军阀政府的政治意义及其不畏强权的高尚品德。现在看来,在此次辞职事件中,罗文干案只是一重要的导火索,而并非引发他辞职的全部原因。蔡元培选择了不合作的方式以辞职作为抗争,是五四后更趋激进的社会风向、北大突发的讲义费风潮、蔡元培内心难以调和的矛盾共同作用的结果。
英文摘要 Cai Yuanpei’s resignation in 1923 was the turning point of the relationship between himself and Peking University, which led to the agitation of driving out Peng Yunyi and persuading Cai Yuanpei to stay at his post in educational circle, which also started the argument about his being or not being the principal with the teachers and students of the University. Most of the researchers focused more on the political significance of the resignation that Cai Yuanpei resisted the Warlord Government and the loyal morality of his fearlessness of great power. In fact, there are some complicated reasons in Cai’s resignation. The case of Luo Wengan was not the good reason but only the trigger of the resignation. Cai Yuanpei’s final choice of non─cooperation as a protest was the result of the comprehensive effect of the more radical social atmosphere after the May 4ty Movement, the sudden agitation of fees of teaching materials of Peking University and his own uncompromising contradiction in heart.
頁次 72-79
關鍵詞 the agitation of fees of teaching materials 中国教育史 resignation Peking University Cai Yuanpei history of Chinese education 讲义费风潮 辞职 北京大学 蔡元培 CSSCI
卷期 4:6
日期 200812
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學