

篇名 再论课程的定义与内涵:从词源考古到现代释义
並列篇名 Re ─ on the Definition and Meaning of Curriculum:From Etymological Archeology to Modern Interpretation
作者 胡乐乐 、肖川
中文摘要 “课程”是现代教育学需要真正探究清楚的一个关键概念。全面系统研究清楚”课程”从源头至今的内涵嬗变及其释义,对我们深化课程的理论研究与实践探索有着至关重要的意义。通过中英文词源学考古式的探源、中外已有定义的逻辑分析和多视角的现代释义,力图还原”课程”的本真。
英文摘要 Curriculum” is a key concept of modern pedagogy needing to get its reality. An all─around and thorough research on its origin and evolution of definition and whole meaning has great significance in deepening our theoretical research on curriculum and curriculum practice. Through the etymological archeology of inquiring into the origin of curriculum in English and Chinese, the logical analysis on the existing definitions of curriculum home and abroad, and the modern multi─dimensional interpretation of curriculum, the paper tried to restore the reality of curriculum.
頁次 49-59
關鍵詞 课程 experience definition curriculum 经验 定义 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學