

篇名 论开放性活动的教育评价文化
並列篇名 Education Assessing Culture about Open ─ Ended Activity
作者 张雨强 、崔允漷
中文摘要 作为对封闭性标准假测验的反判形式与有益补充之一,开放性活动已经走进了国际教育测量与评价工作者的视野,并在我国新课程评价改革中彰显了极强的生命力,从文化层面来剖解开放性活动与标准化测验各自蕴涵的教育评价文化理念,澄清其背后隐寓的社会文化价值观,对于新课程评价改革的深入开展至关重要。
英文摘要 As one of the rebellious and supplementary forms of closed standardized test, open─ended activity has entered the field of international education measurement and assessment, and shows vivid life in the reform of new curriculum evaluation in our country. It is essential for new curriculum evaluation reform to develop deeply from explaining the cultural idea between open─ended activity and standardized tests with different education assessment cultures on cultural level, distinguishing social culture and value view from what is hidden behind them.
頁次 53-57
關鍵詞 开放性活动 standardized test assessment culture education assessment open─ended activity 标准化测验 评价文化 教育评价 CSSCI
卷期 18:2
日期 200603
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心