

篇名 中國內地教育繼續教育中的權力關系與教師領導
並列篇名 Power Relations and Teacher Leadership in Teachers’ Continuing Education in the Chinese Mainland
作者 盧乃桂
中文摘要 在教师专业发展中最少有三股权力在运作:教育行政部门代表的国家的权力,大学专家具有的权威和教师作为专业群体的自主。教师作为发业群体的自主是教师领导的主要内涵之一。很多在教师继续教育中出现的表面现象与问题,如教师进修的积极性不高、教师培训的质量不佳都与教师领导在三者的权力关系中受到压抑有关。本文分析了中国内地教师继续教育中国家–专家–教师三方的权力关系,并指出教师领导的现状与未能顺利发展的原因,最后提出建议。
英文摘要 As the New Curriculum Reform proceeds to its second stage, the key roles of teachers in curriculum implementation are increasingly recognized by policy makers and researchers. Consequently, teachers’ professional development has become the focus of a series of major policies and projects. However, nagging questions remain as to whether teachers are empowered by such measures, especially by officially the power relations between the state, university experts and school teachers to illuminate the obstacles for a teacher-led professional development.
頁次 61-66
關鍵詞 教師繼續教育 power relations teacher leadership teachers’ continuing education 權力關係 教師領導 CSSCI
卷期 6:5
日期 200809
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學