

篇名 京、泸、港、台高等教育机构的研究表现 1994─2005:SCI和SSCI资料分析
並列篇名 Research Performance of Higher Education Institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei, 1994─2005:Analysis of SCI and SSCI Data
作者 李思名
中文摘要 在经济全球化下,城市逐渐成为国家和区域间竞争的主体。城市间的竞争,往往表现为人才、科技和创新力量的竞争。大学正是人才、科技和创新力量的集中点。大学的研究表现,在相当程度上,反映大学所在城市和地区的创新能力和竞争状况,以及该城市和地区未来发展的可持续性。本文利用在SCI和SSCI发表文章数,衡量京、泸、港、台的主要大学在过去十年研究成果的表现。数据显示,在过去十年,这四个城市的大学在研究方面都有长足的进歩。整体而言,香港表现最好;台北第二,但很快会被第三位的北京追上;就大学研究表现而言,上海与上述城市仍有距离。
英文摘要 Cities have assumed increasing importance in inter─state and inter─region competition in an era of economic globalization. Very often, competition between cities manifests as competition in human resource, science an technology, and ability to innovate. To a significant extent, research performance of a city’s higher education institutions reflects the city’s ability to innovate and to attract high─calibre personnel, which is of major importance in the sustainability of the city’s development in future. This paper tries to assess research performance of higher education institutions in Greater China’s four major cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei, suing SCI and SSCI data over the past ten years. The findings show that universities in all four cities have exhibited remarkable improvements. Overall, Hong Kong ranks number one;Taipei the second but it is likely to be soon overtaken by Beijing;Shanghai, it still lags behind the other three cities by a significant margin.
頁次 90-97
關鍵詞 高等教育机构 intercity competition research performance higher education institutions 城市竞争 研究表现 CSSCI
卷期 28:2
日期 200704
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學