

篇名 我国公立大学内部资源的配置机制探析
並列篇名 Resource Allocation Mechanism of Chinese Public University
作者 顾远飞 、别敦荣
中文摘要 在创建世界一流大学目标的推动下,我国公立大学近年来得到了快速的发展,掌握和控制了庞大的经济资源。但与此同时,资源进入大学以后,如何在大学内部各院系和行政部门之间进行有效地分配却并未引起足够的关注。本文运用公共产品和公共选择的有关理论对大学内部资源的性质及其配置方式进行了研究,根据权利的明确程度将大学内部的资源分为私人资源和公共资源,并提出了分配大学公共资源的三种方式:传统、绩效和战略。我国公立大学内部资源配置主要是依据传统,欠缺依据绩效和战略而进行分配。更为欠缺的则是公共资源分配所要求的公开性、稳定性和合法性。
英文摘要 The article argues that public universities in China have rapidly obtained a large amount of economic resources since the launch of building the world class university project. Insufficient attention has been paid to how resources are allocated with the university and its administrative and academic departments. The article discusses theories concerning public goods and public choice, and applies them to study the nature and mechanism of internal resources allocation in Chinese universities. University resources are divided into private and public resources according to their ownership, and allocations mechanisms are divided into three types─traditional, performance─based and strategic. The article argues that public universities in China are dominated by traditional way of resource allocation. They generally lack performance─based and strategic allocation mechanisms, as well as openness, stability and legitimacy in resource allocation.
頁次 82-90
關鍵詞 公立大学 budget allocation public goods public university 预算 配置 公共资源 CSSCI
卷期 28:1
日期 200702
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學