

篇名 论大学英语教师在大学英语教学改革中的发展
並列篇名 On the Development of College English Teacher in the Reform of College English Teaching
作者 彭静 、刘幼昕
中文摘要 20世纪后期国外语言教育学者提出了教育改革应关注教师的目的、个性和工作环境,着力于为教师的专业发展提供条件等观点,对于认识和反思当前中国大学英语教育的改革与实践提供了借鉴依据。通过分析,本文提出中国大学英语教育改革应对教师的目的感、个性及工作文化环境等予以充分重视,着力于教师的专业发展问题。
英文摘要 In the late 20th century, Linguists abroad proposed that education reform focus on teacher’s purpose, personality and cultural context of teaching, and try to provide the conditions for teacher’s professional development. After the reflection on college English teaching reform and practice, the teacher’s purpose, personality and cultural context of teaching should be given great concern, and the problems of teacher’s professional development should be probed. This discussion will be very significant to the development of college English teachers, the establishment of college English teacher training system.
頁次 16-19
關鍵詞 教育改革 teacher development college English education reform 教师发展 大学英语 CSSCI
卷期 18:4
日期 200607
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心