

篇名 教育政策过程中的规则和自由裁量权:以民办高等教育政策为例
並列篇名 Rules and Administrative Discretion in Educational Policy ─ Making:With Special Reference to two Non ─ Governmental Higher Education Policies
作者 林小英
中文摘要 本文通过两个民办高等教育政策案例的分析,探讨了教育过程中的规则和自由裁量权的相互关系。在教育政策过程中,主导政策制定的上级教育部门为下级教育行政部门的政策执行设定了原则性的价值前提和事实前提。下级教育行政部门拥有较为宽泛的自由裁量权,有助于政策的创新和扩散。通过行使自由裁量权,下级教育行政部门可以介入具体政策的制定过程,由此模糊政策制定与政策执行的界限,使教育政策过程体现为教育行政机构上下互动和相互响应的特征。如何界定下级或执行机构的行政行为和政策后果,与如何界定执行机构的地位和身份以及整个组织环境的信任程度有关。通过制定更严密的规则和程序来控制自由裁量权的传统方式是失效的。
英文摘要 This research is the relationship between rules and administrative discretion in the process of educational policy─making, with special reference to two non─governmental higher educational policies. The main findings are at the following. First, educational authorities at higher levels dominates the policy─making process prescribes for those at lower levels basic preconditions concerning both value and fact. Secondly, educational authorities at lower level still have relatively extensive discretion, which benefits policy innovation and dissemination. Thirdly, educational authorities at lower levels may use their discretion to intervene policy─making. This action blurs the boundary between policy making and its implementation, thus renders educational policy─making as an up─and─down interactive process. Fourthly, for local educational authorities which are also policy implementation institutions, how to define their behavior and policy effects is closely related to how to their status and identity and their credibility within the entire education sector. It proved ineffective to limit administrative discretion through tightening rules and procedures.
頁次 98-106
關鍵詞 教育政策过程 administrative discretion rule educational policy process 自由裁量权 规则 CSSCI
卷期 28:4
日期 200708
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學