

篇名 創業型大學:研究型大學模式的變革與創新
並列篇名 Entrepreneurial University: The Reform and Creation of Research University Pattern
作者 易高峰 、趙文華
中文摘要 创业型大学是一种正在发展的新的大学形式。一些研究型大学在积极响应发展变化的境遇中,从学术型科学共同体走向创业型科学共同体,从学术人文主义转向学术资本主义,从区域创新的边缘者转向主体者,呈现创业型大学的特征。目标链、结构链、过程链、平台链构成的立体化网络式结构是其变革为创业型大学的要件。
英文摘要 Entrepreneurial university is a new developing pattern of university. in response to the various changing context, some research universities are transforming the traditional academic science community into an entrepreneurial science community, switching toward academic capitalism from academic humanism, and transforming the position on the edge of the regional innovation system into its subject. Therefore, the research universities are characterized with entrepreneurial ethos. The essentials for changing them into entrepreneurial universities are the stereo-network system based on four chains, i.e. objective chain, structure chain, progress chain and platform chain.
頁次 53-57
關鍵詞 創業型大學 reform research university entrepreneurial university 變革 研究型大學 CSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200901
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學