

篇名 Isocrates及其修辭學校
作者 黃光雄
中文摘要 本文在探討Isocrates的生平、著作和教育理念。教育理念部分在分析Isocrates的教育目的、教育成功的條件、教師職責、教育內容、教育方法、教育功能及教育成功的規準。
英文摘要 This article examines Isocrates of ancient Greece, including his life history, writings and ideas of education. With regard to his ideas of education, this article focuses upon analyzing educational aims, conditions that facilitate success in education duties of a teacher, contents and methods that facilitate success in education duties of a teacher, contents and methods of teaching, functions of education, and criterion of successful education.In general, Isocrates highlighted that education is to cultivate a whole person, to put emphasis on students’ natures, teacher-students intimate interaction, ethical functions of rhetoric and history, and to cultivate students’ reasonable competence of “conjecture”.As a teacher, Isocrates was very successful. He educated the best young men in ancient Greece, and most of whom became the leaders in different fields of the society. His school was a real example of Athens at that time.Many of Isocrates’ valuable ideas of education had profound influences upon education in West Europe. He provided ancient Greece with educational forms and substances, and formulated the educational ideas in the periods of Rome Empire and the Renaissance thereafter.
頁次 1-24
關鍵詞 Isocrates School of Rhetoric Greek History of Eduation 修辭學校 希臘教育史
卷期 1:2
日期 200210
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院