

篇名 近来来美国中小学教师素质状况和改进举措
並列篇名 Status and Improvement Measures of the U.S. Teacher Quality in Recent Years
作者 朱琼敏 、洪明
中文摘要 美国《不让一个孩子落后法案》提出2005─2006学年结束前使全国所有的教师在所教科目方面达到高级资格水平,为此近几年来美国联邦政府和各州都采取相应措施执行该法案条款。这些措施包括提高教师学业科目知识和能力的要求标准、通过拓宽教师资格认证渠道吸收高素质人才进入教师队伍、消除教师临时证书以杜绝不合格教师的使用以及举办教师职业发展项目等等。
英文摘要 Under the No Child Left Behind Act, all teachers of core academic subjects in America must be “highly qualified” by the end of the academic year of 2005─2006. To meet this requirement, the Federal government and states have been making great efforts in recent years which include to raise academic standards for teachers, to end the emergency and temporary licenses, to provide various programs of professional development, and to lower barriers that keep many talented individuals out of the teaching profession.
頁次 76-80
關鍵詞 美国 measures improvement teacher quality the United States 措施 改进 教师素质 CSSCI
卷期 18:1
日期 200601
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心