

篇名 教育学者介入实践的合理性论证
並列篇名 An Argumentation for the Rationality of Educational Scholar’s Intervention into Practice
作者 孙元涛
中文摘要 在学术专业化困境日渐加深、实践变革日益深化的背景下,介入实践不仅是为了影响实践,更是为了探究事理,它并不放弃理论建构的自觉意识与使命。无论是从逻辑上还是在经验中,介入实践都不仅必要,而且可能。但是,对于个人”是否愿意介入实践”这样一个渉及主体价值选择的问题,在为自己所推重的价值进行辩护和提供论证的同时,亦需尊重其它合理的价值选择。在一个尊重民主的社会框架中,无论是责任伦理问题,还是个人的价值选择问题,都只能协商而无法强求,而协商的前提是尽量给出真诚的论证。
英文摘要 With the deepening of the plight of academic professionalization as well as the practice reform, the intervention into practice is not only to exert influence on practice, but also to explore the logic of things. It doesn’t abandon the consciousness and mission to construct theory. Educational scholar’s intervention into practice is necessary and possible logically and experientially. However, as for the question “whether individual is willing to intervene into practice” which refers to the issue of value choice of the subject, we should respect other rational value choice when arguing for the value we choose. In a democratic society, the issues of ethics of responsibilities or value choice of individuals can only be solved by consultation but not command. The premise of consultation is to argue sincerely.
頁次 9-17
關鍵詞 value choice professionalization research of the logic of things public issues intervention into practice 价值选择 专业化 事理研究 公共问题 介入实践 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學