

篇名 Migration and Integration: Findings, Tendencies and Solutions
作者 Knoll, Jocahim-H.
中文摘要 本論文首先提出「遷徙」現象所呈現的動機與強度的不同。遷徙的潮流會因經濟、宗教、政治情況及衝擊而有所不同,正常而言,是由東到西、由南到北。這個看似乎是平常的現象,整體「遷徙」外形卻正在改變中:經由難民、移民、及移民勞工而產生。在歐洲版圖上,移民人口的數量、宗教及文化背景的差異、貧窮、及移民者將自己看成會「永久居留」在新環境的移民等等因素,「遷徙」在許多工業化的國家己經成了問題。因此,在許多國家「外來移民」與「融合」二詞在政治及教育的論辯上已是不可分開的組合。
英文摘要 The essays start with a reflection on the historical dimension of the subject whereby the finding is, that migration is a general phenomenon which shows differences in its motives and intensity. The floods of migration in a broader perpective are dependend from the economic, religious or political situation and impacts and normally goes from East to West in recent times from South to North. Whilst the phenomenon seems to be normal and general the terms connected with the overall aspect of migration show a changing profile, generated by the incidents for migration: refugee, immigrant, migrant worker asf. Within the European context migration as in many other industrialised countries became a problem because of the quantity of migrants, their cultural and religious background, their poverty and their tendency to regard themselfes no longer as “ransitory” migrant workers but as citizens with permanent residence in a new envorinment. The society was gradually developing towards a pluralism of lifestyles and shows on the side of the immigrants language prophiciencies, which hindered integration. In many countries immigration and integration became an inseparable compound in the political and educational debate. Solutions to overcome arising problems started from granting citizenship towards the educational integration of the youngsters into the school system and the social integration which aimed at bridging the gap between the migrant people and the autochthon population. Great expectations partially failed and even the “third generation” shows tendencies of establishing a parallel society. New immigration acts tremendously emphasize the integration and therefore ambitious models for integration have been developed recently.
頁次 105-126
卷期 1:1
日期 200204
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院