

篇名 改革开放三十年教育事业发展的伟大成就
並列篇名 Great Educational Achievements in China since the Reform and Opening ─ up Policy
作者 李敏谊
中文摘要 改革开放三十年,中国的经济成就让世界惊呼”巨龙腾飞”。经济的快速发展为教育事业的发展带来了春天,改革开放三十年也是教育事业取得跨越式发展的伟大时期,教育事业有了翻天覆地的变化,同时深刻体现了教育在国家发展中的基础作用。一方面,经济发展为教育经费提供了更有力的保障;另一方面,教育为经济发展贡献了更多的优质人力资源,同时各级各类教育,包括基础教育、高等教育、职业教育民办教育等都发生了深刻的变化。
英文摘要 Since the Reform and Opening─up Policy was put forward in 1978, the great economic achievement in China has astounding the world. The thirty─year rapid economic development leads to the great achievement and significant changes in education;meanwhile, the economic development also indicates the fundamental role of education in the national development. On the one hand, economic development has ensured sufficient educational investment;on the other hand, education development has provided tremendous highly qualified human resources for the economic prosperity. Furthermore, all types of education at all levels have experienced profound changes in the thirty years, such as basic education, higher education, vocational education and private education and so on.
頁次 17-31
關鍵詞 achievements educational undertaking Reform and Opening─up 成就 教育事业 改革开放 CSSCI
卷期 4:6
日期 200812
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學