

篇名 巧妇难为无米之炊:也谈为思维而教
並列篇名 No input, No Output:on “Teaching for Thinking”
作者 黄华
中文摘要 无论是从人之人的根本出发,还是从教育本身的使命而言,思维的重要性都毋庸置疑。如何进行思维教学?如何处理它与内容教学的关系?这是《有效对话:为思维而教》一文向我们提出的一系列很有价值的问题。通过研究认为,离开内容培养思维,只会使思维教学成为无源之水、无本之木。当前中小学的课堂教学体比较有利于学生的思维发展,而不是所谓”思维教学的荒芜”;导致一系列教学偏差的原因在于已有的研究不够深入、解决实际问题的本领不强,而不是所谓”传统教学的错误预设”;解决的对策也不仅仅在于”有效对话”,而在于基于内容开展思维与内容有机结合的教学,并在方法上兴利除弊,多样综合。
英文摘要 There is no doubt about the importance of thinking no matter from the point of view of the fundamentality of human beings or the mission of education. How to carry out the teaching for thinking?How to deal with the relationship between teaching for thinking and teaching for content?These are series of issues of great value that “Teaching for Thinking: has put forward to us. This article holds that teaching thinking without content only makes it become water without source. At present, the overall teaching in primary and secondary schools is conducive to the development of the thinking of students rather than the so─called “the barren of teaching for thinking”;The reasons leading to a series of problems and shortcomings in reality are as follows, the study of teaching for thinking is not in─depth, the ability to solve practical problems is not good enough, rather than the so─called “the wrong default of traditional teaching”;Countermeasures are not only “effective dialogue”, but also an organic synthesis instruction of thinking and content, basing on the content. As for methods, we should promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful as well as integrate and diverse.
頁次 46-52
關鍵詞 teaching for content teaching for thinking imparting knowledge teaching theory 内容教学 思维教学 知识传授 教学理论 CSSCI
卷期 4:5
日期 200810
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學