

篇名 论高校学生权益保护机制的构建
作者 曾有为 、翟玮炜
中文摘要 近年,随着诉诸法律的高校与学生间权益纠纷的不断增加,高校学生权益保护问题已日益引起社会的关注,而如何构建高校学生权益的保护机制成为解决问题的关键。本篇从高校与学生的法律关系定位入手,从行政法原理出发探讨高校学生权益保护机制建立应遵循原则,并就完善学生权利救济渠道提出进一步建议。
英文摘要 Recent years, the dissensions between colleges and students about the right and interests of students are increasing, so the protection of the rights and interests of college students has attracted society’s attention day by day, and how to construct the colleges students’ rights and interests the protection mechanism is the key point to solve this problem. Based on the relationship between the colleges and students, this paper will explore the principle of the establishment of college students’ protection mechanisms from the principle of administrative law, and propose further suggestion on perfecting the way of relieve students’ rights.
頁次 24-28
關鍵詞 高校 学生权益 行政法原理 救济 Colleges Students rights The principle of administrative law Relief
卷期 399
日期 200910
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部