

篇名 美国大学的组织冲突及冲突管理
並列篇名 Organizational Conflict and Conflict Management in American Universities
作者 林杰
中文摘要 20世纪60至70年代适逢美国大学多事之秋,冲突迭起 其根源可以追溯到大学教师层的角色冲突、教师层与管理层的权之冲突以及学对自己权利的诉求。大概在同一时期,美国管理学界兴起冲突管理思想;汤姆斯等学者建立起有关冲突管理的标准化问题。这一模型对于大学冲突管理的启示有:通过组织结构的调整为处理冲突提供正式渠道;推进建立共同治理的决策机制,以有效化解因权力过分集中而引的冲突;充分发挥中层管理者的作用,目的在于基层组织内部创设互信户动的氛围。
英文摘要 A surge of conflict swept American universities in the 1960s and 1970s. It resulted from the role conflict of faculties, power conflict between faculties and administrators and students’ struggle for their own rights. In the meanwhile conflict management theory emerged in America, and Kenneth W. Thomas and some scholars brought forward the standard model of conflict management. According to this model, it is important to manage conflict through organizational structural adjustment, to share governance in decision making process in order to avoid excessive power centralization, and for the academic dean to create interaction and openness among the university and its department.
頁次 105-113
關鍵詞 美国大学 conflict management organizational conflict American university 冲突管理 组织冲突 CSSCI
卷期 28:1
日期 200702
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學