

篇名 孙中山的民生史观与构建社会主义和谐社会
作者 马德坤
中文摘要 [民生史观]是孙中山哲学思想的重要组成部分,它较为集中和完整的体现了近代中国哲学史上资产阶级革命派的历史观,而这种历史观无疑也具有一定的积极意义乃至社会主义性质。而[民生]恰恰成为了近百年后中国共产党十七大报告中的亮点。如何理解和评价孙中山的民生史观并阐述它与当代构建社会主义和谐社会的深层关系和重大意义,是本文论述的重点。
英文摘要 Historical conception of people’s livelihood is an important part in Sun Yat-sen’s philosophic thinking. Comparatively, it epitomizes the historical viewpoint of the bourgeois revolutionary school in the history of Chinese modern philosophy. And this historical viewpoint doubtlessly has a positive side and socialist nature. People’s well-being coincidently becomes the high point in the report of the Chinese Communist Party’s 17th National Congress. The Key points in this article are about how to understand and evaluate Sun Yat-sen’s historical conception of people’s livelihood and elaborate the deep relationship and great significance between it and constructing socialist harmonious society in the contemporary era.
頁次 27-29
關鍵詞 孙中山 民生史观 和谐社会 Sun Yat-sen Historical conception of People’s Livelihood Harmonious Society
卷期 381
日期 200904
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部